Monday, 23 May 2016

How I got 3, 750+ page views in a week.


Everybody new to the internet world wants traffic and the only way to get it is knowing the techniques, strategies, formulae and Guidelines. Without these there is no chance any one is going to reckon your website not even google will, so there are necessary means and methods needed in order to excel in the internet and SEO world to become a webmaster.
<--more--> Moving on... To get success in the internet world, you know what you need and one basic needed thing is traffic, have you gone to a website like WPbeginner or and see no traffic?, absolutely wrong!!!, you need people seeing your Ads inorder to click on them and people knowing your posts in order to read them, So...

How I got 3,750+ page views in a week

First of all, Make sure the inner of your website is ready for launching before actually launching it.

 Secondly, plan and review your audience that is going to see your content.

Third in line, do not post or put any Ads too early, if you really want money try posting or putting Ads when you have gotten to a decent position in your page views.

BONUS: if you wanna earn money see a good way to boost online revenue; Right Here

 Fourth of all, before launching your website, try reserving all the social media advantage you have and when you have launched the website use the social media full BLAST

 Fifth and the last, Make sure you want and make sure you set your goal to having your desired amount of hits. Thank you for reading and please comment below.


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